You either love or detest ChatGPT, but it's here to stay in this new year. A new technological era has started.
Teachers are concerned that ChatGPT may change how they deal with plagiarism and cheating in the classroom. Technology is a tool; like any tool, it may be used for good or evil.
Here we will show you how it can be a great tool for e-learning. Keep on reading.
Issues with the current education system
Here re some bigest issues with traditional education system
🔨 Slow
The current education system may emphasize rote learning and memorization too much and not enough on critical thinking and fixing problems. This can make learning seem slower and less interesting because students may feel like they are just memorizing knowledge without understanding it.
There may be too much emphasis on memorization and insufficient problem-solving and critical thinking in today's schools. The learning process can appear tedious when students feel that they are only reciting information without grasping it.
Due to the skepticism of many involved parties, educational systems are often reluctant to adapt. There can be setbacks in the system because, for example, educators are reticent to accept new teaching methods, and school boards are unwilling to implement new policies.

😶 It’s one to many
The current education system often uses a "one-size-fits-all" teaching method, which means that every student in a given grade or class is expected to learn the same material in the same way. But this doesn't take into account the fact that each student has different needs, hobbies, and ways of learning.
Some students may need more time to understand an idea, while others may be ready to move on more quickly. Some people learn better with visual tools, while others prefer doing things with their hands. Some students might fall behind without individualization, and others might get bored or feel like they're not being pushed.

🚩 Teaching plan is not specified for every student
The lack of variety in the teacher's lesson plan is another problem. Let's say there are 25 kids in a maths class, and the teacher has a plan for teaching the class over the year. But there may be students in that classroom who have different maths knowledge and skill levels.
For example, some students may already know what is being taught and be ready to move on to more difficult ideas. Some students may have trouble keeping up and need more help and teaching to understand the basics fully.
If the teacher doesn't have a plan for each student, it might be hard for them to meet all their students' different needs. Students already good at school might get bored and lose interest, while those suffering might fall further behind and give up.

What are LLMs?
Large text Models (LLMs) are basic machine learning models that use deep learning algorithms to process and understand natural text. These models are taught on a huge amount of text data to learn patterns and how words relate to each other. LLMs can do many kinds of language work, such as translating languages, figuring out how people feel about something, analyzing chatbot chats, and more. They can understand complicated text data, find entities and their relationships, and write new text that makes sense and uses correct grammar.
What are GPT models?
GPT is a Transformer-based natural language processing architecture and training mechanism. There are two phases to the training process. To begin, a neural network model's basic parameters are learned by applying a language modeling aim to unlabeled data. The associated supervised goal is then used to fine-tune these values for a specific activity.

Using their GPT-1 language model, OpenAI published a paper in 2018 (Improving Language Comprehension by Generative Pre-Training) on the topic of natural language comprehension. It was never made available to the general public as a proof-of-concept model.

GPT-2 was the subject of an article (Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners) published the following year. Having been made available to the machine learning community this time, the model has been successfully adopted for text production. It wasn't uncommon for GPT-2 to produce a few phrases before crashing. In 2019, this was state-of-the-art.

Another study, Language Models are Few-Shot Learners, regarding OpenAI's GPT-3 model was released in 2020. The model outperformed GPT-2 despite having 100 times as many parameters and being trained on an even larger text dataset. GPT-3.5 series developments, such as the conversation-centric ChatGPT, continue to refine the model. Its capacity to generate seemingly human-written pages in this edition caused a sensation.

With 100 million users in just two months, ChatGPT surpassed any other online app's growth speed. When comparing GPT-4 to GPT-3.5 models, the accuracy of GPT-4 is superior. GPT-4 scores 40% higher than GPT-3.5 on OpenAI's internal factual performance benchmark.
How can AI help with learning?
Here is how AI can change the picture-
😍1. Teaching Assistant
Create Lesson plans
A written lesson plan describes the objectives, subject matter, activities, resources, and assessments that will be used in a lesson. Effective teaching and learning, it is a vital tool. The learning objectives of a lesson assist the teacher focus on what pupils should be able to do or understand by the end of the class.
A lesson plan includes activity times and a timeframe. This enables the teacher to manage time efficiently and guarantee that all tasks are finished within the allowed time. Assessments are incorporated into the lesson plan so that the teacher may gauge the level of student learning and modify their instruction as necessary. This makes sure that the pupils are achieving the lesson's learning goals.
Create a lesson plan with ChatGPT
- Ask it to act as a teacher
- Enter the standard you are creating the lesson plan
- Mention the previous class’s lesson
- Add the TLM if you want

Is it possible to do it in the e-classroom?
Here you go-

Give students personalized feedback
Providing students with specific, actionable feedback on their performance is crucial for helping them grow as individuals and achieve their academic potential. When using personalized feedback, teachers can better connect with their students individually and modify their instruction to suit their needs and preferences.
Motivating schoolchildren to work more and do better is a major advantage of tailored feedback. Students are more likely to keep up the same level of effort in the future if they are provided with personalized feedback on their work.
In addition, students benefit from personalized feedback because it clarifies their strengths and areas for growth. For students who, for whatever reason, are having difficulty grasping a certain idea, this type of individualized feedback is important. Teachers can better aid their students in making progress at their own pace and realizing their full potential when they provide feedback specific to each student's unique needs.
Furthermore, instructors can develop deeper connections with their pupils with student-specific comments. Students can tell when their teachers truly care about them as people because they are given thoughtful, customized responses to their work. This, in turn, can improve students' levels of trust and involvement with the learning process.
Here is how to give feedback with ChatGPT
- Add student’s work
- Mention what it is
- Ask it to review
- Ask to give actionable feedback

🖊️ 2. Summarizing long content
Teachers and students often have to read lengthy content like research papers. Reading a full research paper could seem like an impossible task. Having a large class size or a lot of students means that teachers often don't have enough time to read through all of these papers. Teachers who don't have time to read complete research papers can benefit greatly from having only the most important topics summarized. Teachers can benefit from having students summarize research papers because it helps them zero in on the most important points. This may help students grasp the study's primary ideas and glean the data most useful to their research.
We used Bing Chat here
- Ask it to provide recent research papers on the given topic
- Ask it to share the summary

🤞 3. Flashcard generations
Flashcards contain information or questions on one side and answers or information on the other. They are used to learn, revise, or test oneself on a specific subject.
Teachers can use flashcards as a teaching aid to help their students learn and remember new information. Flashcards are effective because they help students actively engage with the material, forcing them to recall the information from memory. They also allow students to quickly and easily review important concepts and can be used to introduce new vocabulary or to test knowledge.
To generate flashcards -
- Mention it to act like a teacher
- Add the class
- Mention the aim of creating the cards

🙌 4. Generating quizzes
Teachers can easily determine how well their students are grasping the topic by having them take a quiz. They can utilize quiz scores to see where their pupils are struggling and adjust their lessons accordingly.
ChatGPT can help you to create quiz question lists in a minute. Here is how you can do it
- Mention the class
- Mention the topic
- Mention your assessment goal
- Ask it to create sets of questions

Wrap up
ChatGPT can help you save time on lengthy processes like lesson plan creation and summary of long-form content. On the other hand,
it helps to improve the student-teacher relationship in many ways. So, it's high time to integrate ChatGPT into your workflow. Ionio can help you with that.
Learm more about how AI and GPT can help you. Schedule a call with our CEO Rohan.